Zegras #11

I would trade places with Trevor Zegras for so many reasons. Trevor Zegras is a NHL star that plays for the Anaheim Ducks. One reason why I would want to be him is because he is really good at hockey and I want to be like him someday. Another reason why I want to be Trevor Zegras has W rizz. He is dating Dixie D’Amelio. The last and best reason I want to be Trevor zegras is because he grew up in New York I have always wanted to go there and for him to be raised there is perfect cause that’s one of the best city’s for hockey. That’s why I want to be Trevor Zegras.

Hockey in Toronto

My perfect day would be in Toronto,Canada at the hockey rink all day. The reason I think that this would be the perfect day is because a full day of hockey what else could I ask for. Another way it would be perfect is if my team was there. we always have so much fun. A whole day together would be perfect. Another reason that it would make the day perfect is the ice rink food is always good. The last way it would be perfect is if me and my team go to a Toronto Maple Leafs game after that would top off the perfect day for me.

Twenty-Three and Golden

I would like to be twenty-three for the rest of my life. One reason I would want to be twenty-three for the rest of my life is because you have just graduated college and therefore you are free from school, no assignments, and no worries except for your job. I think that I could be playing hockey and chilling with my friends. Another reason I want to be twenty-three is because I want to travel the world I want to go see different hockey stadiums. The last and best reason why I want to be twenty-three is I want to start my own business. I think that I can set up my life and career by starting off with a business, that’s the reasons on why I want to be twenty-three forever.

Buster the Cow

Buster was hanging out with his fellow cows until a terrible storm rolled in and Buster is deathly afraid of storms. Ten years ago on Busters birthday there was a terrible storm just like this one. It was his 3rd birthday he was having a Fortnite themed birthday. After that day buster has never seen his Mother or his Father. Buster starts to freak out and all the other cows start to make fun of him and he says talk to me when you’re dead. Buster is the only cow that went to the barn. After the storm he did not see one single cow and Buster goes on to live a happy life alone.

Rad Reading – September

In September I read the wild robot by Peter Brown. This is book is about a robot who wakes up on an island and she doesn’t know where she is or how she got there. All of the animals are afraid of her and think that she is a monster. She meets a duck that she named Bright-Bill and they become good friends. She also meets other friends on the island. But her robot past comes back to haunt her.

I loved the wild robot. I liked how I could can feel how Roz felt and how she persevered through all the struggles. I also enjoyed the wild robot because it can teach people how everyone can be friends even if you feel like you can’t.

My favorite character was Roz because she is like me, she’s different. Roz is caring. For example, “ I’m sorry mama” said Bright-Bill when he almost got eaten by a bear. “It’s okay” said Roz. This shows that she is caring because she wants to feel a connection with Bright-Bill. Another reason that I like Roz is because she shows that you be and do anything you put your mind to. For example, she was able to make shelter and survive a bear attack. There are so many other reasons I love Roz these are just the most important.

My favorite line from the book is “so long everyone” when Roz is leaving. I think that line is meaningful because it shows how much she treasured the friendships she made.