My Dream Job

If I had the opportunity to pick any job, I would most definitely pick a National Hockey League (NHL) photographer. One reason why I would pick this profession is because when I play, it is the best feeling ever when you go to check the photos from the game and there is a perfect photo of you making a play. The second reason that I would pick to be a NHL photographer is because I have played hockey my entire life, so I know when a player would want to have their picture taken. The final reason I would want to do this is because I’m a very good editor so if the photos need any quick little changes so I think I can be very successful in the area of expertise. I also think it would be great to have a job where I got to watch hockey everyday.

Rad reading- February

This month I read Ban This Book by Alan Gratz. I have not finished reading this book yet ; I am currently on page 96. The book is about girl in third grade named Amy Anne. Her favorite book was banned from the school library. She decides to go to the school board meeting to oppose the book being banned. But, when she gets up to speak on the podium, She freezes up. In embarrassment she runs away crying. Her dad try’s to cheer her up by buying her the banned book. Then, she starts a banned book library with the help of her friends.

I love this book because I learned alot about censorship. My favorite character was Amy Anne because she showed a lot of pride. For example one line that shows this is “ I don’t care how much I takes, I’m getting this book back.” This quote shows how she has pride because she will do as much as she can to get the book back.

My favorite quote from this book is “ I love to read more than anything.” I love this quote because it shows that she loves to read and when she got the book taken away she was very sad and she just wanted the book back. I look forward to finishing this book and finding out what happens with her library.