Lock In

My word(s) that I would like to focus on is lock in. One reason that I want to focus on this is because I think it’s good to have a good mindset about things. You don’t want to have a bad mindset about things because it could result in something way bigger problems. The second reason why I want to use lock in as a phrase of intention is because it can correlate to so many things like hockey, school, and friends it can help me in so many ways. The best and final reason why I want to use lock in as a phrase of intention is because it sounds cool and I can mean a lot more than just lock in it can mean do better and work hard. That is why I want to use lock in as a phrase of intention in 2024.

If I was Principal

If I was principal for the day I would do many things. One of the things I would do is make lunch and break longer. One reason I would like to do this is because I constantly se people eating in there 4th and 6th period class and extending the lunch and break periods could give them more time to eat. The next thing I would do is have the periods be shorter so that we can have tutorial every day. The reason I think this could benefit are school is because a lot of people have missing assignments and I think we don’t have enough time do finish them at home because they have sports, dance, and ext. The last thing I would do is make a hockey team because you can never have enough hockey.

The Chameleon

The chameleon jumped onto the tree branch in the wet damp rainforest on the cold cloudy day. In the distance he spotted a grass hopper hooping in the distance he gets ready to pounce and the grass hopper hops away with out noticing the chameleon the chameleon jumps on the grass hooped and has a nice little snack. Then in the distance he hears a small hiss and BANG a vicious rattle snack pounces on the small chameleon and the little chameleon life comes to a big stop.

Rad reading – November

This month I read The War That Saved My Life. This book is about a girl named Ada and her brother named Jamie. Their mom is abusive to her. The mom makes the brother go play outside and makes an Ada stay inside. So, Ada teaches herself to walk to run away with Jamie but she thinks that her mom will find out. I loved this book because I like how Ada never gave up. Even at her lowest she still fought through. Like when she got locked in the cabinet with the roaches that didn’t stop her from being herself and I love that. My favorite character was Ada because she never gave up and she proved people wrong. I think that she is all t like my sister because my sister had a heart condition and just like Ada she never gave up. Ada is brave. One way she shows this is when she says “I was just saying hello to Stephen White” this shows that she is brave because she is talking back to her crazy mom.

My favorite quote from the book was when Mrs. Smith said “ wash yourself off in the bathroom sweetheart.” This is my favorite quote because Mrs. Smith is acting like a mother figure because the mom that Ada had before treated her like crap.

Something I learned from reading this book is just because one bad thing happens in your life doesn’t mean that you should give up. I admire Ada for not letting her abusive mother define her and ruin her life.

Things I’m Thankful For

I am thankful for many things this year but here are the top three. First I am very thankful for my grandparents. They do so much for me and my family. They always help out my parents when they need it and they are the best I could ask for. I am also very thankful for my parents. They are the best they take me to hockey, buy me clothes and make me food and put a roof over my head my dad is so much like me he loves the things I love and my mom is very caring to everyone she is funny and so is my dad my dad is a little more funny but they are the best parents ever . Last but certainly not least I am thankful for my sisters, zoey and coco they are the best ever they are so funny, loving , and silly those are just my top three.

Rad reading- October

This month I read Spy School #1 by Stuart Gibbs. This book is about a twelve year old boy named Ben Ripley. Ben is put into a top secret science school, his objective is to get the agent that is working for both agencies. He tries to prove to his agency that he can be a spy and be capable of going on missions and successfully completing them.

I loved this book because I love mystery books. The reason I like spy school specifically is because I love the author Stuart Gibbs. He is a great author who uses interesting vocabulary and very good personification. Another reason why I like spy school is because they don’t leave you on cliffhangers. I hate when authors do that.

I loved Ben because he is funny and sarcastic, like me. A quote that shows this is “slingshots are for squirrels.” This quote shows that he is funny because he is making a joke in a very boring conversation. This is another reason why I love Gibbs, he makes everything so entertaining.

My favorite quote from this book is “slingshots are for squirrels” because it kind of represents me as a person and my humor and it kind of reminds me of myself and my friends.

Three Wishes

If a genie granted me three wishes I would ask for new skates, a e-bike and more money. I would want the new Bauer Hyper2lite skates they are the new top of the line skates they have this thing called comfort edge it helps stabilize your foot and it is more comfortable. I would also want a e-bike to be exact I would want the Super73 Miami this bike is good for wheeling and I think that I could do way more with my friends if I had that bike. I would also not get left out as often . Lastly I would want a lot of money so when I go out with my friends or with my family I can buy what I want with my own money and I could help out my mom and dad.

Zegras #11

I would trade places with Trevor Zegras for so many reasons. Trevor Zegras is a NHL star that plays for the Anaheim Ducks. One reason why I would want to be him is because he is really good at hockey and I want to be like him someday. Another reason why I want to be Trevor Zegras has W rizz. He is dating Dixie D’Amelio. The last and best reason I want to be Trevor zegras is because he grew up in New York I have always wanted to go there and for him to be raised there is perfect cause that’s one of the best city’s for hockey. That’s why I want to be Trevor Zegras.

Hockey in Toronto

My perfect day would be in Toronto,Canada at the hockey rink all day. The reason I think that this would be the perfect day is because a full day of hockey what else could I ask for. Another way it would be perfect is if my team was there. we always have so much fun. A whole day together would be perfect. Another reason that it would make the day perfect is the ice rink food is always good. The last way it would be perfect is if me and my team go to a Toronto Maple Leafs game after that would top off the perfect day for me.

Twenty-Three and Golden

I would like to be twenty-three for the rest of my life. One reason I would want to be twenty-three for the rest of my life is because you have just graduated college and therefore you are free from school, no assignments, and no worries except for your job. I think that I could be playing hockey and chilling with my friends. Another reason I want to be twenty-three is because I want to travel the world I want to go see different hockey stadiums. The last and best reason why I want to be twenty-three is I want to start my own business. I think that I can set up my life and career by starting off with a business, that’s the reasons on why I want to be twenty-three forever.